We are all familiar with the comic figure , Joker – the clownwho evokes laughter. He is the person who spread laughter by making fun of him but there is hidden secret behind that face. He spread joys, happiness all around and this is what we live for. We do everything in this world to reach to a state of contentment. Our all actions are derived toward happiness.

Nobody is joker by birth but they adapt to these roles because they are capable of making people laugh. This is also an art. They have good sense of humour and these people are admired and loved by every person. Who is the joker in your group?

The term ‘Humour’ derived from the ‘humoral medicine’ of ancient Greeks which taught that the balance fluids present in human body is called humour, which control emotions and health of humans. Humour is the genre of comedy which focuses on making people’s lives enthusiastically happy and filled with laughter.

Humour is like a spice which adds flavour to our life - Like, for food, spices are required similarly, humour is an important element for making human life a smooth flow of emotions. Imagine a situation when you are being surrounded in grief and sadness, in boredom and there is not a single sign of humour? Would you be able to survive without laughing a single day? Humour indeed acts as a spice in our life but too much spices make the food bitter, similarly too much humour disorganize our behavioural skills.Humour should be projected as much required otherwise it gives you an artificial look.

Humour is a boon given by God; we can’t buy it from store. Humour has the power to build relationships, to improve communication, can resolve conflict and can help in bad situations too. A person who is good in humour is being loved by everyone and makes his surrounding filled with energy and positive environment. Humour is needed at every stage of life. Humour is applied to all situations. Do you enjoy a class, where teacher teaches you with jokes? We all love to be around such people who can evoke laughter.

Laughter is the best medicine

This is the most common proverb we have been listening since our childhood days. Well, this phrase holds its meaning true. Laughter, humour is the best medicine that one can have. People who suffer through diseases and many serious problems can be cure by laughter. Laughter’s effect is more fast and quick. It cools down our nerves and spread positive environment. According to the doctors too patients recover more quickly through laughter. Many laughter clubs and exercises are being performed.

Humour heals our wounds - Humour has the capacity to heal our wounds. Happiness and sadness are the parts of our life. Like team heals everything similarly humour has the power to heal most of the things.

Humour helps in building relationships- humour keeps the relationship lively. It boosts up the energy level and give relationships a room for development. A person can put his views and thoughts in humour manner too.

In absence of Humour, we become critical and defensive and we always remain in sadness move. We miss the essence of life. Everyone loves smiling faces.Humour is the essence of life which fills human life with fragrance.

Laugh and make others Laugh
