‘Disagreement is not Disrespect’ is of vital importance and needs our major attention. There is a need to bring clarity in the minds of people in regard with these both terms.

Disagreement refers to a situation when an individual’s views and opinions don’t match with the opinions of other persons. It is not necessary that everyone has the same opinions. People do differ in their thinking process, emotions and thoughts. Different people have different opinions and one should express their opinions freely as we have given power of free will. We can exercise it and can make the appropriate use of it. For example- in a restaurant, person A wants to have chicken, while person B, C , D want to eat shahi paneer or vice versa. Then there is difference of opinions. But they all order their choices. They showed disagreement in a harmonious manner.

Disagreement is not hatred

On the other hand, Disrespect is the situation when an individual hurts the sentiments of other

person. When an individual try to degrade, humiliate or mock the other person. For say going with
the above mentioned example, a person is eating meat is being later on criticised and made felt
disgusted to such extent that it became difficult for him to ate or vice versa . This is what is called

Disrespect. When people disagree in disrespectful manner. When one tries to prove their point
superior at the sake of others interest.
Disagreement is not disrespect if it is done in a polite manner. That is by listening what others have

to say, by giving value to their approach, by respecting their ideas and opinions too. By making them

assure that their ideas are also worthful. Instead of following ‘I’ approach ‘We’ approach should be


Many people mix disagreement with disrespect. They think that if they will not agree with a
particular person then it might be a sign of disrespect. That’s why many people do as what others
say and never put their opinions at forefront. They are scared that it might lead to their downfall.

But ‘Disagreement is Disrespect’ is a myth. Many people accept many decisions which are against
their will. They do so in order to maintain their position in that firm. They get scared of their boss.

They think that boss might get angry if they don’t agree with him. That’s why they add their yes in
their yes. Here they mix these both concepts.

There is very thin line between disagreement and disrespect. Disagreement is accepted but not
disrespect. Disagreement can be done with any people, devoid of any hierarchal level but disrespect
should not be done even to a boy or girl who is younger than you. If an individual knows how to be
disagree without hurting the sentiments of other individual then that disagreement is accepted but
it doesn’t take time for disagreement to convert into disrespect. If disagreement is not done in a
suitable manner, then it has the tendency to change into disrespect which is not appreciated at all.

So it is very crucial for all the generations to learn to how to put their thoughts, emotions, opinions

in a desired manner. They should showcase their opinions without having any fear. Sometimes
healthy disagreement often leads to the growth of an individual.

