When entering college many students find themselves away from their family for the first time and this can lead to a variety of responses. Some feel like they can uncover their identity for the first time through being on their own, while others are terrified to find out who they are. Some adapt rather quickly to being away, others are constantly homesick.
With this mind it is important to weave out who you call out a friend and who you allow to come closer. A friend should be someone you can always rely on, one who encourage you when you are down, one who listen to you when you feel need to be listened, one who offer their shoulder to cry on, one who feels like sunshine.
College life has helped me alot in boosting my confidence and i am greatful to met a handful of people who provided me joy in this life. I feel as if in all our lives we need to examine what friendship means and how people can feel like sunlight. This may mean pulling away from those who are toxic, and growing close to others.