Overthinking ruins the situation, twist things around, makes you worry and just makes everything much worse then it actually is.
How many times have you received a text message from someone that was pretty straightforward, but you feel the need to read into "deeper message"? Let's be honest we always think there is an alternative meaning behind people's words. Sometimes what a person says is exactly what they mean; there is nothing up for discussion. Often overthinking is what creates problem from nothing and is probably the leading cause for arguments between two people. Many people falsely believe that by overthinking certain things, they can garner a better results. Let me tell you the reality that there are little to no benefits to overthink any given situation. Infact, all this will do is only cause of anxiety and stress in a person.
There is also a problem that many people lack the confidence to make decisions based on their own merit. They rely on others and not enough on themselves. The worst they do is, they start overthinking. You are the only one who will have to deal with the consequences of your decision and actions, so why even bother yourself with the opinion of others? Follow your gut and then it will work out in your favor. Let yourself relax and come back to the decision when you internally calmed down and decide to stop overthinking.