Usually a term that you assign to someone who’s reaction to your work is unlikable, haters as they are called can be found everywhere you look, that’s what’s unique about them, they demand to be seen, to be heard, it gives their brains this rush of Serotonin as soon as they get to know that they are being heard, if you’re giving haters recognition, you’re creating heaven for them on earth.  During this time as we all are protesting against the #CAA we are bound to come across a bazillion such haters, and if you get to involved in going through their comments, posts you’re inviting yourself into a pit of depression, trust me as I just went through this, you begin to question yourself, “am I seriously doing the right thing?” “is there an infinitesimally small chance that what i am doing is not correct? It seems that the world is against us.” These thoughts will haunt you in your sleep and will ring in your heads each and every time you decide to step out to raise your voice, each time you decide to post something. And don’t get me wrong, it’s alright to ask yourself these questions, sometimes the people you seem to be calling your haters may just be your biggest critics who lack the way of conveying their thoughts politely. So what am I getting at? I just want us all to focus on one thing, with regards to the ongoing protests, you yourself should learn to be your biggest critique, ask yourselves the hard hitting questions, “what am i doing?” “is this right?” “why is this right?” do research if you have to and after you’ve reached your conclusion just let the haters be, as the cliché statement goes “ignore the haters” the best you can do is report them, because now you are firmly established on what you believe with common sense and logic, and if you happen to find someone who you think can come over to your side with a little persuasion and explanation, do it. The situation we are in right now is only going to get more tense from here, Muslims have always been hated throughout history, i used to wonder why that is, where that sense of dislike makes itself manifest from, there are only two firm reasons i could find the first being lack of education, people quite frankly, did not give enough time into understanding the principles and true history of Islam and Muslims, the second is the devil, his job is to trap people in hate and demonise the truth. Think about it, all of the things that have happened in our society since time memorial, that were right, and propagated the feelings of love, unity and justice and freedom and equality, were always opposed the propagators were always persecuted and many a times, killed. This time is no different. The other thing that we learn from history is no matter how intense the opposition was, no matter how many righteous people were killed, no matter how numerous the ‘haters’ were, truth always found it’s way to prevail by the grace of God and by the means of the undying struggle of the people, many of which have been immortalised. So in conclusion, no matter how unfavourable you may find the times to be, pledge to yourselves that you will not become vulnerable to poorly educated beings who don’t bother to see the bigger picture of things. The opposition might be intimidating at times, but the more they try to intimidate the more it becomes apparent that they are afraid deep down, afraid out of their minds they are. Afraid that the truth will prevail they are, their fear is in vain, know this well.


