Once upon a time, an empire appointed a second in command. He called this prime minister in and, in effect, said to him, Why don't we divide up the task? Why don't you do all the punishing and I'll do all the rewarding? The prime minister said, Fine. I'll do all the punishing and you do all the rewarding.

Now this emperor soon noticed that whenever he asked someone to do something , they might do it and they might not do it. However ,when the prime minister spoke , people moved. So the emperor called in the prime minister again and said, Why don't we divide the tasks again? You have been doing all the punishing here for quite a while, Now let me do the punishing and you do all the rewarding. So the prime minister and the emperor switched the roles again.

The emperor who used to be a nice person , rewarding and being good to everyone; then he started to punish people . People said , What's wrong with that old codger ? and they threw him out on his ear. When they were looking for a replacement , they said, You know who's really stating to come around now - the prime minister.

And the prime minister became the emporor.

Ok! not tryna be you're grandpa But all I want to say is that,"If you are first tough on beahviour, and then supportive of the person, it works."

In short be a Daddy to the world that's the only way they're gonna listen to YOU.

