Jotting Down My Quick Preview Of This Lockdown Situation.

Tanya Jain
Apr 03, 2020   •  2 views
Importance of a Break

While Mr. Covid-19 has every single person on their toes right now, have them locked and restricted to their homes,i feel this is the only time I've had the opportunity to connect with my family. Of course I'm scared like any other person but what with studying far away for the past 7 years now, i guess i have never had the opportunity to laugh out loud with all my family in the same room sharing a cup of tea and plain ‘moori'. This lockdown has done me more good than bad. I've had time to think, to observe, to feel, to share. I've realized how important it is to share a part of your existence with those you love, to sit in quiet instead of being all over the place, to de-stress, to reboot. I don't think I've ever took time to observe that my mom is a kid at heart, she likes to rile me up with tiniest little acts, how my dad passes up secret smiles with my baby brother, how my brother is jealous of my other life where i get to enjoy my freedom. While sharing three meals a day with my family i realized this is the happiest I've been in a long time. You need to take a break once in a while to feel all this because trust me, it's worth it. Break, it means a thousand different things than it's general meaning,to me atleast.

