‘Lion’ and ‘Wolf’ don’t get well along. Right? Well digest this- “The Wolf” and supposedly“The Lion of India” are similar in ways beyond recognition. Hard to believe? Let me provemy point and change your perspective too!

Starting with the business mentality of both of these leaders, NaMo supports businesses byproviding them with subsidies and resources of the country at extremely low rates. On theother hand, Hitler provided German companies with slaves and other financial help in order

to gain their support. No wonder, same kind of policy.
BJP is part of the Rashtriya Swamsevak Sangh (RSS), which follows an extreme right-wingHindu ideology. Keeping aside the fascist Hindutva only policy, RSS has been noticed usingNazi salutes and organising grand rallies with the workers dressed up as the Nazis.

Just like Hitler’s idea of removal of all Jews from Germany, by holocaust too, NaMo has thesame ideology of a Hindu only state by blaming the ills of the society on the minoritiesmainly targeting Muslims.

Both of the leaders rose on a platform of dissatisfaction towards the existing government.
Their speeches evidently are more opposition targeted than having a true desire to actuallymove forward.

The massacre of the Jews via holocaust can so closely be related to the state-wide massacreof Muslims in Gujarat through the hands of violent mobs.

Having a strong fanatical support base, the “Hail Hitler” slogans with the help of fanaticswere changed and connected to religious ones producing a “Har Har Modi” battle-crysupporting him during the elections.

Just like Hitler, Modi too does not have any contacts with any of his family members. Thusliving like recluses.

He himself declared himself to be the next Prime Minister for sure way before he actuallybecame one just like Hitler calling himself as Führer.

Both of them are pure extreme nationalists. Modi being the most hard-line nationalistcandidate in the elections, seeks for the perfection of his motherland which can be closelyrelated to the love of fatherland in Hitler’s case. They both have a promise policy of a returnof the ‘glorious past’.

Now coming to the differences between the two powers of the world, let us begin with anideology the Nazis followed “Lebensraum” i.e. the need for 'living space' is necessary forthe German nation to expand and all the German-speaking people should be united in one country. Whereas the Indian government supports urbanisation and is taking up measures

like ‘Make In India’ initiatives.
Also the opinion of a ‘Führer’ having the idea of a single leader with complete power ratherthan a democracy is certainly not what Mr Modi is working on.

Also the racist policy of The Nazis is certainly not followed by NaMo as he considers all to behis beloved friends and supporters termed as “mitron” (meaning friend in Hindi).

Hitler’s political policies counters that of an ideal democracy and the parliament systembecause of the lack of education he felt among the German people. This feeling motivatedhim to seize power and declare himself Fuhrer. He even stated ‘He alone, who owns theyouth, gains the future’. On the contrary, India runs on a democratic system under theguidelines of our PM.

Also Hitler’s views were synthesized in Nazism as a political system that advocatestotalitarian control over all aspects of the state which clearly is not the case here.

The appointment of Hitler as the Chancellor, Germany started losing its economy. Tocounter this situation, the government spent its money in the public sector and subsidizedprivate firms. This failed miserably resulting in the balance of payments and a furtherconsequence of inflation. Self-sufficiency plans were introduced with the main target being

agriculture and industry.
The Modi government has taken over the economy in a good way, helping it rise. Some ofthem were- ease of doing business, inflation control, fiscal deposit, job creation and revivalof the manufacturing sector by starting the production in India itself. Affordable housing,Bank recapitalisation and various other policies helped India to sustain its economy andbasically increase it.

Concluding this discussion about the ideologies and opinions of these two world powers, I'd say they both are considered as good influencers of the people. They do have some common points butalso do largely differ in various policies and controlling the nation. Both of them have adifferent point of view and a different vision of the future of their dear nations.

