I know the last season was a betrayal. It was bad , didn’t meet our peaking expectations. Yet there was something to wait for each Monday . We could leave with the hope that may be, may be D&D would get back to their senses and give us a fantastic episode.But now we don’t have anything to wait for. Having finished the bonus episode of GoT too, life stares at me back blandly. Only couch potatoes like me can understand that feeling. Each evening we get back to our couch with the bowl of our favourite chips to find a blank laptop/phone/ TV. We spend hours on Google and YouTube to find out the best series to invest time.We start something and are soon disappointed. After weeks of research, I found out the perfect substitutes for our beloved GoT. I am not comparing the grandeaour of GoT to any of these. I can’t do that. Not in this life time. This is just a humble attempt to help out my fellow couch potatoes.

So here we go....

1. What the folks

There are two seasons of realistic episodes. The issues we can relate to like hateful job, unemployment, family pressure, relationship crisis, home loans etc find screen space here. It is worth spending your time for.

2. Adulting

Again by dice media, adulting gives us glimpses of two independent girls’ “ flat life”. The financial crunches in last week of the month, the hardships of being an intern etc are portrayed in the most satisfactory way.

3. Girl in the City

We all relocate ourselves with a small purse and a bigger basket of dreams. Many a times thepurse limits us to explore the contents of the basket. In the monotonous struggle to have a living, the dreams are soon forgotten until we get a break. This is a story of our lives with a climax that we dream.

4. Girls Hostel

The hostel life we had during our college times were the best of the times. The rivalries, college rest, sneak peeking, breaking the rules were so much fun. This web series can take you back to that life.

5. Engineering girls

The story of B. Tech students have now almost become a cliché. But have we ever thought of telling the story from a girl’s perspective. If not try this web series.

6. Little Things

As the name suggests this one is about all those little things you cherish in relationship.

I have kept the list to include Indian productions on the web platform because I was so impressed with them. Of course we have bigger series that could match up with GoT like Chernobyl and Breaking Bad; However these short delights are also worth trying.

