I Quit : A Student's Message To The Society

Susmita Ghosh
May 15, 2019   •  125 views
Give me some sunshine,give me some rain. Give me another chance,I wanna grow up once again.

Whenever we see these lyrics we remember Joy Lobo in the movie 3 Idiots singing this song " Give me some Sunshine ". Although being a very meritorious student, he is thrown out of the college in his final year as he projected an idea innovatively rather than going on by the same old book rules . He is depressed and broken about the aftermath and how itwill effect his father back at home.

This story has unfortunately become a common scenario in the recent years.

Students are the future of a country. Every student has a dream for their future. But what if that future dream crushes their souls slowly? What if that dream becomes a nightmare and strangles the them into depression,low self esteem and ultimately into death? .He or she is then forced to end up their lives by sending the society a short message : " I QUIT "

In early January 2019 a 27 year old medical student committed suicide as she was unable to handle exam stress. On May 2018 about 12 students committed suicide as they were depressed about their class XII Board exams.About 10 students in each stage commit suicide after the declaration of Boards results. December 2018 saw at least three student suicides in Kota district in Rajasthan. According to the reports submitted to the Home Ministry by the different states, about 9674 students have committed suicides in 2016. Among that most cases are from Maharashtra and West Bengal.

Some of the reasons behind the loss of these young lives by committing suicide in such a mass scale can be summed up as follows :-

Pressure from Family and Relatives.

Psychologists are saying that over expectations of family and relatives become a burden on the student's mind. As a result when they are unable to fulfil the standards they commit suicide to avoid all the trauma of the aftermath.

"Kya hoga, agar parosi wale Sharma ji ke bete ko IIT mai admission mill gaya, unki beti ko Medical? Hum kaise mu dikhayenge?"

Right from their childhood a student's family and relatives have bestowed their desires like getting admission into prestigious institutions like IIT, IIM etc upon their ward up to such an extent that it has become more of a burden for them .They are bound to fulfil the desires of their parents otherwise they will be a disappointment for them in the society. Thus, in worst cases they are paying the duties with their lives.

Mental health issues

When it comes mental health many people have avoided it due to some orthodox taboo that their children is ' mad'. According to Doctor Harish Shetty, a psychiatrist, students commit suicide as they are unable to cope up with the trauma of failure,social alienation, small frustrations etc as they have no one to talk to. About 80% students fail to connect with their parents and teachers due to such reasons .Student counselling is necessary for all schools and colleges and parents must be supportive of this fact. It should be dealt free of social stigma which will create bond between the two.

Orthodox rules of teaching.

Certain institutions have their own orthodox way of teaching which does not give the student a chance to innovate and provide new ideas. Even if he or she comes up with it, they are slammed by saying "Who are you to question?" This results in depression and inferiority complex.

Expensive Education

Education is a fundamental right of every citizen in India. However, educational expenses have been a burden for a wide range of people in the Indian society. The family of students are unable to meet up the expenses after a certain point. So either they have to give up their education or continue a harsh struggle.

We can conclude that in order to make every student the bright future if our country we need to understand them first. We need to help them achieve their dreams, help them gain knowledge over a competition and then only will they help this country to progress.

