Plant-based diet is a way of eating that celebrates plant foods and cuts out unhealthy items like added sugars and refined grains. Plant-based diets have been linked to a number of health benefits, including reducing your risk of heart disease, certain cancers, obesity, diabetes.

1.Helps to prevent Diabetes.
diabetes is becoming an epidemic, but a plant-based diet can be a great way to stave off any hereditary tendencies you might have and to reverse any lifestyle choice that might be sending you in that direction. Diabetes is actually completely preventable, but it requires the right lifestyle and the right mindset about food. In some instances, a plant-based diet can actually help to reverse this disease.

2. Helps to control Hypertension.
There is perhaps no diet better for fighting hypertension than a plant-based one. Doctors have long been recommending diets high in fruit and vegetables to their patients with hypertension, as these foods have been shown to actually help lower your blood pressure. Hypertension, when not properly controlled, can have a number of long-term, serious negative side effects, many of which can also be prevented by controlling hypertension with a plant-based diet.

3. It is better for the Heart.
Individual who ate higher levels of vegetables and fruit had a much lower incidence of heart disease than those that did not. People who ate at least eight services of vegetables and fruit had a 30% lower chance of having a stroke or a heart attack than those that ate less than two servings a day.

4. Helps you lose weight.
If you are trying to lose weight, making the switch to a plant-based diet may be the best way to do that. People who eat mainly plant-based foods almost always eat fewer calories than those who are omnivorous. Lower caloric, nutrient dense food intake may lead to a lower body weight and a lower BMI. If weight loss is your goal, a plant-based diet can definitely help you achieve it. Added bonus; foods from plant sources are more likely to make you feel full, therefore you probably won’t feel like you are being deprived. Be sure to take a look at our Ulitmate Guide to Clean Eating.

5.Maintains your vision.
Already know that if you want to maintain your vision, adding plenty of carrots to your diet may help. But carrots are not the only vegetable that contains betacarotene (an antioxidant and precursor to vitamin A) and vitamin A (the vitamin that promotes eye health). In fact, there are lots of plants that contain high levels of vitamin A.



Profile of Khushi B
Khushi B  •  4y  •  Reply
Well researched.