My Knight In The Shining Armour: My Best Friend.

Suma Shree
Mar 24, 2019   •  43 views
Best friend is a necessary evil.

Let’s face it, humans are indeed social animals. We need to communicate with other people and we need each other’s support and love to survive in this world. Relationships can’t be avoided what so ever. We might not have to deal with every single person but we sure have our set of favourite people that keep us moving.

I feel friendship is the purest form of a relationship. And the ones that happen accidentally are the best ones. We can choose people we want to be friends with, but we can never choose who becomes our best friend. It just happens. Miracles happen. We never expect them.

Everyone has a story about how they first met their best friend, the only person who has access to our deepest and darkest secrets. The person who our parents think is ideal influence but is the nastiest one can ever be. We share some of our craziest memories with them and wouldn’t know how our lives would have been without them. Pretty laughs, dirty jokes, stupid pranks, harsh breakups and even the “I-hate-myself” moments, they are the ones to share every feeling with us.

My best friend is ‘pure drama’. We first met in the 5th grade, and, we hated each other back then. Our first meeting wasn’t sweet enough as she influenced me in doing some stuff that later got me into a lot of trouble. Its better not to disclose any further. Then in the 6th grade, our teacher made us sit together against our will. There was no turning back after that. We got to know each other well, spent time together, shared our lunch boxes, exchanged our phone numbers and as time passed by, we became inseparable. Since then, we both have changed our schools, lived in different states for 2 years, are pursuing our respective courses in different colleges and are as close and tight as we were back then. Neither time, nor distance could create a crack in our friendship (touchwood!).

Best friends can be as lovely as unicorns and as irritating as periods. It’ a complete package. Everyone is entitled to such love and friendship in their life no matter who they are. Walking alone won’t even make us through mid-way and with the company of our favourite souls, we wont even realise when the beautiful journey ended.


All set to meet her tomorrow,
After one whole year.
Refreshing all that I want to say,
Reliving every moment that I wished wasn’t without her.
All our happy memories come back too,
Filling my soul with bliss.
Just painting the perfect day in my head,
Waiting for the night to end.
Eager to see her, welcome her,
And embrace the happiness that she brings.
She is my happy side, my stress buster,
My mood lifter and all things sweet.
Yes, she is my best friend and we are finally going to meet!

