20 Minutes Workout For Perfectly Sculpted Lower Body

Jun 14, 2019   •  44 views

There are people who may have a satisfactory upper body but may feel bad about their thick thighs and butts. How such can happen? Well, butts and thighs are the primary fat storage sites in our body (especially in a woman’s body) because fat storage around pelvis, buttocks and thighs is directed by estrogen while testosterone directs fat to get stored around belly. Cardio workouts help you to burn fat deposited in those areas and also strengthen your muscles to make them look more toned.

The following workout shall be performed slowly in the beginning and in a circuit (3 times) with no rest later for toning your thighs, lifting your butts and blasting away the extra fat.

1. Squats

Squats are great way to burn inner thigh fat and build lean muscle. Stand on your feet slightly wider than your hips on the ground. Toes should be slightly outwards, look straight. Put your arms straight in front of you. Squat down while taking care that your knees don’t go beyond your toes. Lean down as if you are sitting on a chair. Keep your weight on heels. Complete 20 squats with full focus on your hamstrings.

2. Walking Lunges

This is a great strength training exercise. It works on hamstring, calves and core. Make sure that you have enough space, stand with your feet apart at hip distance. Keep your hands on your hips or your sides. Step ahead with right foot and lower your body towards floor with both the legs bend at 90 degree. Push your left foot so that your left foot ends up in your front in the same position as right foot was. Continue walking like this and complete 10-15 reps.at once.

3. Wall Sit

Wall sits are great not just for sculpting your lower body including thighs and hips but also for reducing belly fat. Make your starting position. Stand next to a wall, straight with your legs wide open as shoulder width. Take a step ahead and lean your core against the wall. Move ahead (if needed) as you lower down and come to a sitting position (just like that of squat position). Your knees should be bent at 90 degrees. Keep your shoulders back and press tailbone into the wall. Hold the position atleast for 15 seconds in the beginning. Later increase the duration as you get comfortable.

4. Skaters

In skaters you perform lateral jump to enhance your calories burning process. Place your legs slightly wider than your shoulders. Bring one of the legs behind the other; your front knee should come at 90 degrees. And the leg at back should be at a certain angle. Swing arms in in front of your bent knee. Now switch the sides. Interchange legs and change arms direction just like skating activity. Repeat atleat 20 times side to side.

5. Lunge Hops

Lung hops improve strength and power of your lower body. It challenges dynamic stability and coordination. Start with a lunge position. Sink down, lean forward and then drive both the feet off the floor explosively by launching yourself in the air. Legs should be straight when you’ll be in the air. Switch your legs and arms and in the position as you started with interchanged legs and arms. Repeat it at least 15 times with 2 sets minimum.

The above exercises can be made more challenging by adding some weights while doing them.



Profile of Sonali
Sonali  •  4y  •  Reply
Great @Moony Prongs
Profile of Moony Prongs
Moony Prongs  •  4y  •  Reply
Definitely going to try!