Have You Visited This Place Yet?

Sonali Behera
Jun 20, 2019   •  3 views
Have you visited this place, yet?

Some reside here for days, months or years.

Some vacate once they find a better place.

Some stay, walk by the lanes, create manholes, so every time it rains, the puddles disgusts the owner of the place about their presence.

Some stay, grow beautiful roses, spread the aroma, pluck the flowers and leave the place, leaving the plant with thorns alone.

Some stay in the houses of this place, break the crockery in the kitchen, clog the pipelines, forget few of their belongings in the cupboard, and leave.

Some stay, scribble on the walls of the rooms with a marker, leave the tap water flowing and the gas stove left on, shooting the risk of fire accident, and leave.

They all leave and many more come and the landlord never finds time to fix the roads;

never stops watering the rose plants;

replaces new set of crockery, clears the choking, packs the forgotten belongings in suitcases,

every time;

never does lock his houses for nobody else to enter and leave again!

This place has always been this way.

A combination of 37.2 trillion body cells, 11 vital organ systems and 78 important organs- This place is the inside of a human, inside us, may be?

Have you visited a human yet?

