How much can you bear or be patient? How much can you let yourself be sacrificed? How much can you be blind in love and care?

We know how much the world talks about equality issues, and how some find it to be unfair. So, let me tell you a story about a woman, a story well known though not the one, but a similar one; and YOU! Decide what she should decide.

She was born to be the eldest and the one that was sent for adoption in the family of 7 children. She missed the love of her dear parents and the joy of youth with her siblings. All the quarrels, sharing and care for her younger ones were sacrificed, sacrificed as the eldest.

She did enjoy a decade in the new family as the only child, and when her foster father died, responsibilities came onto her shoulders to look after her foster mother. Few years of getting acquainted with the way the household worked and again she was sent back to her old home. The home she was made to leave, a decision she was forced to take.

Going back wasn’t very bad; she could now live with her siblings and parents. However, more than an elder sister, she became the housekeeper, the nanny and the mother to her younger siblings. For every fault of her younger’s she was beaten, to make her fear even the appearance of her own father.

Though with all difficulties, she grew up to be a beautiful young lady and educated. She was done with her high school graduation and couldn’t go for further studies since she now had to earn and feed her siblings. Then, the guy who would stay with her forever came, life wasn’t easy for her till now so she denied him. After so much of trust gained and given, they began phase two of their lives. She was now married, had to take care of her husband, her siblings and her parents.

While her friends and siblings enjoyed the university life, she was shouldering in herself a mother for her siblings, a wife to her husband and a woman at work. Years later, she gave birth to her own offspring and the future and hope that had still been there to study again had gone. Her young child needed the care and love and for nothing in the world, she could trade it with.

Now, her child has grown and seeing people around her talking and encouraging her for her studies, the hope had come back. Even so, she had doubts and she is still in that phase.

Do you think equality is Unfair?
If it were me, I wouldn’t have so much of patience and courage to go on without a career after all the sacrifices I had made. If you were Her, what would you do? Will you leave or will you stay?

