As we all know that water is an essential element for us but inspite of that we still do not know the effective way of drinking water. We think that we can drink water at any time as per our choice but our this thinking is completely wrong because this will lead us to a major health problem.
Water has zero calories and helps in reducing weight only if taken in a right quantity and in a right way. it also help to flush out the toxic substances from the body and keeps the body hydrated. On an average, a human body need 2.30L - 3L water daily.
Tips to drink water that you didn't know!
Sit down to drink water rather than standing beacuse by standing and drinking, you disrupt the balance of fluids in the body and this may lead to a greater accumulation of fluids in the joints causing arthritis. By sitting and drinking, your musclesand nervous system is much more relaxed and helps the nerves to digest food and other fluids easily. Yourkidneysalso pace the filtration process while sitting.
Avoid chugging all the water at once. Avoid gulping down large volumes of water in a single breath, rather take smaller sip, swallow,breathe and repeat throughout the day. Take smaller sip and holding it in the mouth for 3-4 seconds helps the saliva (alkaline in nature) to mix with the water and then it will give relief to the acidity in the stomach and helps to improve the digestion.
Drink room temperature water, warm is even better. Avoid ice chilled water that disturbs the ongoing process of digestion and puts off the fire. Cold water decreases the blood supply to various organs of the body further leading to constipation. Drinking tepid water can help in proper digestion and metabolismthat promotes weight loss, relievesbloatingand pain. Warm water helps in controlling cholestrol and also keeps the arteries clean.
Drink water first in the morning. Drinking water in the morning helps in flushing all thetoxins in the body and cleanses your intestines. It also cleans the stomach.
Avoid taking water before, during or after a meal. By taking water during or after a meal will destroy the vitamins, minerals and all types of nutrition. Drink water 40 minutes later after taking the meal. If necessary, drink 1-2 sip of water before taking meal to wet the throat so that dry food become easy to swallow.
What will happen if you drink excess of water?
Excess of everything is bad and same goes with water. Drinking excess of water will lead to many problems such as kidney stone, kidney failure. constipation, improper digestion, improper metabolism and this lead to deposition of fat in the unwanted areas of the body and body gain weight.
Excess water can lead to lower sodium levels in the body, which may further lead to nausea, vomiting, cramps, fatigue, et al. This condition is known ashyponatremia.
Headaches are signs of both over-hydration and dehydration. When you drink too much water, the salt consumption in your blood reduces, causing the cells in the organs throughout your body to swell.
When you drink too much water, your electrolyte levels drop and the balance is compromised. Low electrolyte levels can cause symptoms like muscle spasms and cramping.
Excessive water consumption may lead to depletion of potassium, which is an essential nutrient. This may cause symptoms like leg pain, irritation, chest pain, et al.
It may also cause too much urination; when you drink lots of water at once, you tend to urinate frequently. Downing too much water causes failure of your body to absorb the fluid.
It is summertime and it is important to ensure that you are well hydrated; however, it is also important to know that excessive water consumption can reverse the good effects. Stick to drinking water only when your body indicates the thirst.