Don't Take Someone's Kindness For Granted !

Shriya Kataria
Jul 13, 2019   •  11 views
Kindness is expensive these days, so not everyone can afford it.

People today, are pacing towards modernization of their life. Change is the essence of time but it doesn't leaving your values behind. It's true that one has to be hard as a rock to survive in this world but on the other side it's important to keep your humanity alive.

People are not very reliable these days but a pinch of kindness harms no one. Be kind to the ones who are actually concerned about you, who love you. Don't take them for granted because it's a human nature that we realise the value of a person when he no more exists in our life. So don't be too harsh with people. You never know what good a person can do for you. Cherish those people who love you and care for you because it's not easy to find such people in life.

