Appearing for interviews has become a part of the daily routine of people who are in constant search of better future opportunities. People now-a-days are never fully satisfied with their present jobs and end up using their present companies' internet to look for jobs elsewhere; sometimes the reason behind this being low payscale and unsatisfactory work environment. They prepare themselves for interviews, present some excuse to the HR and go for the interviews. But what happens after that? Many of those people just keep on waiting for a call back from the company for months hoping that the interview processes are still going on and finally they would be selected; rarely do they get an e-mail about being rejected and the company having moved on with others.

This practice is TOXIC.

People keep on waiting for that one call and put a pause to their job search which may even sometimes result in a loss of that one golden opportunity. It brings down people's morales to such a level that they ultimately lose the energy to look for another job and try to manage their lives at their present company. This process of not informing people about their interview results should change and the companies should start a process of letting people know that they were not selected.

But will a mail help you with everything? The answer is 'No'.

When we were at school, a cross mark on a solved sum wasn't enough to teach us how to actually solve the sum, the teacher had to show us the procedure to solve it. What harm would it do if we expect the same in this case? What if the HR told us what things we were lacking - manners, knowledge, high salary expectations or even poor communication skills? It would help us be better at the next interview and who knows we could even appear again at the same company and get the job!

These small gestures will not only build up the enthusiasm of the people, it will also help boost their confidence and allow them to walk into the next interview room with a lot more improvement and confidence.

Note for the interviewees:

  1. Write down Key Points from the interview; it will help you in the round or in other interviews.

  2. Be patient. Things take time to fall in place.

  3. Follow up with the interviewer. Do not write long e-mails, keep them short and to the point. This makes the interviewer remember you.

  4. Send a 'Thank you' note to the interviewer after the interview or on receiving a job offer/rejection mail. It never hurts to spread goodness in this world.



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Dear Diary  •  3y  •  Reply
Nice Work!Check out mine too.