How to be flight attendant top 5 Tips


You think you will not pass a flight attendant because you have no experience and you don’t have customer service skills. But you got it wrong, here are my top 5 tips for you:


Tip #1: Change your mindset

Change the way you think. The recruitment is based on the day itself, what you did and how you answered questions and  not of your experience. It’s not the be-all and end-all of everything. Letting you in for the interview mean you passed the requirement, height and weight, educational background, and their initial assessment. Above all, you are a potential candidate for the position as a flight attendant. Think that all applicants have the same equal opportunity to get the job.


Tip #2: Enhance your youth (the right way)

As a fresh grad, your youth can be your edge by selling yourself to recruiters. First, your physical appearance should highlight your youth specifically your clothes and make-up. Most things recruiters suggest to applicants on the next day to use light make-up and clothes in pastel colors because they want young, dynamic, and fresh cabin crews to represent the airline company. Also, you should emphasize the long career ahead of you, not planning to get married or have kids soon, and your not planning to retire anytime. If the company will invest in you, they want the long run.


Tip #3: Use the experience that you have

At the academe, you could use your extra-curricular activities as job experience. You could say that you’re active in school’s extra curricular activities which mean your good in time management skills. If you don’t have one, you could talk about your qualities which are related to the job of a flight attendant, like being enthusiastic. Focus on the qualities which flight attendant must have.

Tip #4: Compensate with research

If you don’t have any idea about customer service, then you must research information about it. You have to know the answers related on that. Even though you don’t have any experiences on handling difficult passengers, at least you’ll have idea on how to handle them which will be a point for you and a plus because you are able to explain given that you have no experience at all. The recruiters score you based on your answers to their questions about the job. Do your research accordingly.


Tip #5: Focus on what you have not what you lack

Just focus on what you have that day.Make sure you know you are, know what you have to offer, and sell yourself like you’re a door-to-door salesman. If you what you have, your advantages and your strengths then focus on that. Don’t say things which you lack, negative stories and the like If you’re being asked by a negative question, then turn it with your positive answer instead.

Well, these are my top 5 FA interview tips for fresh graduates like you. Remember to always prepare, prepare, and prepare. Be positive and believe in yourself that you got what it takes to be a flight attendant

