Stalking is a form of harassment which consist of repeated attempts to contact and to foster personal interactions with a woman despite of clear indication of disinterest with the intention of causing harm or fear to the person being followed. It is a serious crime which incites fear in the victim. If a man tries to make attempts to contact a woman and to foster personal interaction with her repeatedly and if he monitors the activities of a woman on internet, email and other forms of electronic communication, he is committing the offence of stalking under section 354D of Indian Penal Code. There are certain exceptions to this which are:

  • If this act is pursued by a man for the purpose of preventing and detecting crime.

  • If the act was pursued under any law or to comply with any condition or requirement imposed by any person under any law.

  • If in the particular situation that conduct was just and reasonable.

Whoever commits the offence of stalking is liable for punishment of three years and fine for the first conviction and five years and fine for the second conviction. Under law only a man can stalk a woman.

Stalking includes harassing a person by calls and writing letters etc. It can also include monitoring and harassing a woman on the internet, email or any other electronic communication. A stalker may be a romantic partner, acquaintance, or even a total stranger to the victim.

Stalking can be done through various ways like repeated attempts to make unwanted communications through phone calls, emails, or social media sites, or posting information about the victim. When the victim is being followed by the stalker at various places, or unwanted gifts being sent to the victim. When information is being obtained about the victim through public records, online searches, or hiring an investigator to discover information. Threats made to the victim or victim’s family either directly or indirectly and her property being damaged can also be considered as stalking.

Stalking is a serious crime with serious consequences. It can cause serious impacts like self-doubt, frustration, fear, feeling of isolation, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, poor concentration, anger, inability to trust, changing career, dizziness, high expenses, limited options in changing their situation and many more.

