"Who are you?". This question being the most mysterious question and the most problematic question for the people. Psychology and other subjects also helps in finding answer to this question to some extent but there is not any subject which we study which gives an accurate and precise explanation to this question.People start their day with their phone, check the notifications, check messages, reply to them and then go to bathroom. As per a report, this case is followed by around 68% of the world's population. Many people when asked why do they get up in the morning said that they have to go to work. WORK. Why do people go to work? Just to get some money and keep the family going. Nothing more than that. Most of the people working in an MNC are just their for money and not for any satisfaction.
People doesn't know about themselves. They fear from themselves. They lie to themselves. They don't know who they are. Even many people don't have any plans for their future. The first step to success is about knowing yourself first and then getting to other subjects. A survey was conducted in which random people were asked about their weaknesses and strengths. The results were quite shocking as most of the people were not able to tell even single of their strength or weakness. Start getting to know yourself before going into anything.
People who are aware of their qualities are among the most charismatic people in the world. There is a different spark that comes from the people who know their strength and weaknesses. These are the ones who attract people and lead them. Those who know themselves are the one who work on their weaknesses regularly and improve which gives them an edge over their competitors. Generally people who think that doing all this will take time and postpone these things for future and the time to do introspection never comes. People who believe in introspection and hence improvement work on themselve regularly and also for sure they get demotivated sometime but their zeal keep them going in the long run.
Go and do your introspection now. Improve yourself 1% everyday and you'll meet a new "you" with greater power and intelligence. Set up your goals for your next day before going to sleep in the night. Think about your achievements which will help you in gaining confidence in your capabilities and hence it will help you in improving in long term.