The Inexistent Highway..(Ep-06)

Shivani Dixit
Jun 07, 2019   •  49 views

Garang couldn’t speak for a moment. It was a face that he had seen before, the face with which his past was connected. The man looked straight at Garang with blood dripping from his eyes. He moved towards Garang but didn’t utter a single word. Garang’s heart started throbbing fast. He ran towards the bedroom and closed the doors. But wrong time is a not a room from where you can escape; it is your destiny, it follows you, it haunts you till it reaches you.

The voice that had stopped for a while continued, except that this time, there were many voices.

Garang rushed towards the Bathroom and shut the door. He hid near the basin and started muttering verses of God in the hope that such activities which had no existence stop at once. The voices stopped. After several minutes, he got up slowly and with shivering hands, slightly opened the door. There was no one in the bedroom. He took his phone from the table and called the police, but there was no signal.

He walked out and then slowly peeped through the bedroom’s door. The path was clear. He stepped out and then slowly began moving downstairs. He reached the main entrance from where he could escape and rush to the police station. But the main door was locked from inside; he had to find the key. He ran to the dining table, but there was no key there. Then he rushed towards the hall where there was a key hanger. He took all the essentials and turned around to go towards the main gate. But wait, a woman stood in front of him.

She had no fingers, no eyes. She was half in the air, and her other half was on the floor. The keys dropped from Garang’s hand, and he fell. He entirely gave up on escaping and became unconscious. ‘Garang! ’ Reeha howled after seeing her husband lying motionless on the hall’s floor. She called the doctor.

After the doctor arrived, they both took Garang to the sofa. ‘I have given him an injection; he will soon come to consciousness. Mrs. Reeha, can you explain to me what exactly happened to your husband?’. ‘I am not aware doctor I had just come from the office when I saw Garang lie on the floor ’ saying this Reeha started crying. ‘I don’t know what is happening, he isn’t well since last few days’ she added. ‘What did he tell you, some disease, weakness’ the doctor interrogated. ’No doctor he told me about something paranormal like something is haunting him.’ Reeha told the doctor about the painting that haunted Garang.

Meanwhile, Garang woke up and strangely looked at Reeha. Then he moved his eyes towards the doctor. But to him, he didn’t see the doctor; he saw a man, the same man he hit in the dining room.



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