
The measurement or extent of something from end to end.

Recently we all came across a video of a woman blatantly asking the men around her to rape a girl because the length of her dress exposed her thighs. This is the sad reality we live in. Unfortunately the backward thinking of older generations still exists and continues to influence the younger generation to some extent still.

So length - it's a simple unit of measurement, but its use has been put to the creation of preconceived negative notions which aren't justified on any basis. Clothing is the main victim of this prejudice. The length and coverage that your clothes offer apparently decide what kind of a being you are. Short clothes equal a shameless, rash person who doesn't confine to what society conceives as acceptable. It decides who should and shouldn't be abused. It apparently speaks about the person's character . Short equals a slut who anyone has the right to mock and insult while long equals a respectable person who deserves to be treated well and loved.

This thinking is usually confined to the female gender but males too experience these troubles.
More specifically the length of their genitalia. I've quite often come across jokes about a boy having a small penis and hence being deemed unworthy and emasculate. The length in this case decides who's an alpha and who's should even be considered in the first place. Jokes like little chillies and peanuts though brushed off as not being serious affect the confidence and self worth of men and quite frankly needs to be addressed and stopped too.

But, in the end it all comes down to one thing - the length of our mentalities. Persons who have narrow, short mentalities that refuse to learn and expand despite knowing what's right and wrong and still refuse to budge are the root of the problem. Other factors like clothes' length are just used to justify their views. People who are of this plagued category quite frankly need to be educated about it and called out on their hate speeches. This modern era as we call it, unfortunately, isn't as modern as we would like it to be.

So the responsibility falls to us, the younger generation and the enlightened older generation to improve and eradicate this problem. Call people out on their insubordination and blatant nonsense that's spewed because apparently being older automatically justifies having the upper hand and greater judgment and value. NO! It absolutely does not! Educate them and when refused don't just give up ,make sure they and others know that what they're doing is plain and simply quite wrong.

Huh, who though that length - just a unit of measurement could control so many aspects of your life. Funny how the inches and centimeters on a scale can be used to calculate the respect you deserve as a human being.

Think about it, call it out and try to better them - that's all we can do now.

