Sarcastic People Are Smarter Than You Think

Shikha Gupta
May 23, 2019   •  50 views

Some people choose being sarcastic because beating someone up can probably beating someone up can probably get you arrested in today’s society. Some say being sarcastic is an emotional tool to shield your feelings. Others say that it is a way to insult the idiots of this world and get away with it.

If you don’t get sarcasm, you might need to get with the program and start using your brain. There are several studies out that are now showing that sarcastic people are smarter that you think. So here are 10 solid reasons why sarcastic people are actually really smart.

1. They can see right through you

Understanding other people’s state of mind and emotions are related to our ability to understand sarcasm. Yes, this means they can see right through you.

If they are responding with a sarcastic remark to your story, then they probably do not believe you, they can read you pretty easily and know what to say to trigger whatever emotion they want. It is pretty much the closest thing to a mind-reading super power. You were warned.

2. They have sharper brains

Human brain has to work harder to understand sarcasm. That means that people who use sarcasm often work their brains just a little bit harder than you, so that friend coming up with the quick quips to snap back at you may be a jerk, but they are a sharp jerk.

3. They are great problem solvers

Sarcasm also helps in creative problem solving skills.

4. They are equipped with the key social skill for today’s society

Sarcasm is practically the primary language in today’s society. Usually sarcastic people are going to be keeping the conversation going and not be the person awkwardly standing in the back pretending to laugh at everyone else’s jokes.

5. They not only have great minds, the have thick skin

Sarcastic people are smart enough not to take everything to heart. This means they don’t burst out into tears when you are teasing each other over being tipsy after a few beers. They can throw the punches as well as take them. You rarely find them playing the victim in the situation, because let’s face it, no one likes a victim.

6. They have healthier brains

The lack of ability to pick up on sarcasm can be an early warning sign that subjects with Fronto-Temporal Dementia had difficulty picking up on sarcasm.

7. They make their friends and significant others smarter

Due to their constant way of communicating, sarcastic people affect the brains of people around them. There are three stages our brains need to take to understand irony. If you are around them while watching TV, driving or shopping, then you had to use your brain a little bit more to understand their though process.

8. They don’t get arrested while getting even

They are excellent at emotional warfare. If you have been in an argument with a sarcastic person, there is probably a sewed up scar on your heart from something they have said. It definitely beats getting arrested for aggravated assault, but it lasts a lot longer.

9. They can deliver a gentle insult and still make you laugh

They can make someone laugh out loud at a remark and then watch as the realization kicks in that it was an insult. If you haven’t tried this yet, you need to.

10. They have friends that truly love them

They know that their friends are truly their friends because what kind of person willingly deals with such steady sarcasm every day?

It is a fun hobby to them, like playing baseball.



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😂😂😂😂. Cool.