Smothered in a Relationship?

Relationship is all about the love and care you receive from your significant other. There are numerous ways of expressing love and everyone has a unique style of doing it . But when done in excess it has its adverse effects , as we all know that anything overdone has bad effects ,same goes with the relationship's. When this happens, you eventually feel suffocated.

In a relationship it feels bad when you are smothered by your significant other. It gives you little room for movement, makes it hard for you to be yourself, and you feel like a prisoner of the relationship who has being jailed.

Every action has a reaction,and the only reaction evoked to these feelings of suffocation from any person is to break up. However the process of smothering does not happen all at once. It builds up from unassumingly small signs. So, how can you tell if your insecurities and possessiveness are slowly killing your relationship?

  • Do you follow your partner's social media interactions to see if any of them are flirtatious? Do you check your partner's call logs and voicemail messages?

There would be a long question answers session of why is this person messaging or tagging you in post's, why you posted this photo, or why you didn’t use this same app or filter .They often lead to arguments, blocking each other and getting out of social media completely.

There is an unspoken understanding between normal couples that their partner’s mobile phone and social media account is their personal domain where they expect privacy.

  • Do you have a panic attack each time your partner talks to a good looking member of the opposite sex?

The obvious attitude in human tendency is that at times one gets jealous , but getting unreasonably jealous with every single person your partner interacts can make you feel smothered. It reflects poorly on the overly jealous partner. Additionally, there's a emotional stress as one has to constantly explain the relationship you have with the people attracting your partner’s jealousy.

  • Do you keep calling or texting your partner ,if he does not return your call/text within a few minutes?

Overbearing parents make people want to move out of their house. In the same way, people won’t think twice about leaving a relationship too. If one partner is overly dominant and controlling ,sadly some relationships are prone to end up in a similar smothering situation .

You find yourself explaining you each and every decision,choice and overall schedule to your partner under threat of a long argument.

  • Do you accuse and taunt your partner of not spending enough time with you?

This means that your partner is excessively clingy. Couples would love to spend time together as much as possible, but both have other people and responsibilities that demand their attention. The suffocation begins when your partner fails to understand this. They believe that your relationship alone is enough to fulfil your needs. They get angry or even taunt and accuse you of not putting effort in the relationship.

  • Are you suspicious when your partner tells you he/she is having drinks with friends?

Due to busy social calendar of your partner, it's not possible to hangout with your friends. Just like your hobbies which you admired in childhood , you start losing time you have to spend with your own friends. This situation causes you to lose your original support network and isolating you further.

Romantic gestures in the right amount and the right way can nurture and excel your relationship . Over romance, intimacy and care can trigger the signs of being smothered in a relationship and lead to a breakup.

