Sweet are the uses of adversity, which like the toad, ugly and venomous, wears yet a precious jewel on its head,” said William Shakespeare in hi famous classic “As You Like It”. This is for adversity signifies difficult times, that appear bad and ugly, yet they are precious and have many benefits. In good times people are feted and pampered by so called fair weather friends, who desert them in difficult days. In the absence of adversity people tend to live a false sense of security, unable to distinguish between reality and illusion. Only when the chips are down, and they are no longer in position of power or prosperity, people around them reveal their true colour. Adversity offers a real test that enable one to distinguish between people. It enables one to strengthen the bonds of love $ affection with true friends and be on against imposters, masquerading as friends and well wishers.
Hard times divulge the stark realities of life. The personal experience of deprivation and poverty in childhood made Abraham Lincoln take up cudgels for the poor black slaves, on becoming the President of America. He relentlessly fought for their emancipation, and freed them from the centuries old shackles of slavery. Difficult times makes one appreciate the value of priceless emotions like love, compassion and friendship for which one had no time in the days of prosperity.
Misfortune also brings out latent talent and strength to face difficult odds. Resilience, fortitude and patience are attributes that come to the force, which stand a person in good stead throughout of life. It makes people more preserving, self-dependent, resourceful & optimistic. They not only work for their own betterment but also inspire others to take on the challenges of life.
Acknowledging this important attribute of adversity Edmund Burke said “He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves, and sharpens our skills.Our antagonist is one helper.” Thus Adversity besides strengthening a person morally & physically also exposes him to the realties of life. This is for in the words of Francis Bacon “Prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity best discover virtue.”