Exaggerating life is a way of finding peace with one's incompetency in living it. The times have changed for sure and now I feel I have grown old. Older than ever, each growing day I see all younger people around me behaving exactly like me and some of my peers in such a young age that I wonder where was I when I was their age. I was an immature kid. But, now people are attaining maturity far before I attained and my parents tell me I act more mature than them when they were my age.

But, why am I going off topic when I started with exaggeration. Because, all the people around me are just exaggerating their conditions to really serious things to feel better. A ten year old is sad because his friend doesn't talk to him and feels everyone is a liar. To me it's seems just a small fight. Then why is the he sad? Isn't it because he is blowing things out if proportion and feels himself worthy of feeling low and dealing with it.

How does this idea come to him? Is it natural? No. It's just what he sees around and thinks his life to be not so worthy and happening and exaggerates things. In this cycle the kid is loosing his childhood / adolescence. He's way too mature to enjoy it that's what he feels.

This is not only for that little kid , it's for all of us around who just wanna grow up so soon that we are losing the fun and joy of present years. Why just blow things out, why not take a chill pill and live today the same way it's meant to be. Let's live today as it expects us to live.

We will be grown up soon, don't worry.


Profile of Musharraf Abdullah
Musharraf Abdullah  •  4y  •  Reply
no wonder you get all these topics after a chat with me😂😂
Profile of S A Sneha
S A Sneha  •  4y  •  Reply
Yeah really.. My inspiration