Whenever people introduce themselves, someone or the other brings in the “age” factor. To be honest, age acts as both the barrier and the boon in many cases.

But are we aware of the idea: how old is too old?

Most probably NO. For some 20+ is old, for some 30 + is old and for others, old is how one acts upon.

From the aging wine

to the strengthened diamond cuts

age gets valued

But the old tree to an elderly

many think productivity is crashing…

Yep! Every one of us ages including non-living things in a different way. Have we ever thought, will there ever be seedlings or seeds that would become a tree someday without the old trees? The older generations we frown upon are the basements of the younger generation. And that is something we could not deny.

From the old, comes into existence the young blood. Evolution wouldn't be possible as such too. The experience passed on by the older generation adds to the wit of the younger ones. And I don't think age should be a factor to like or loving someone or something.

Now tell me, how old is too old??

