How To Secure 99% In Class 12 Boards?

Sarthak Mahajan
May 21, 2019   •  2 views

Literally saying this is the most common topic ever to be discussed about☺

First of all I would like to tell all of you that I have recently passed my class 12th securing 97.6%😝Alas!!!

My target was 98% but I am knocked down just by 2 marks.

Coming at the topic, so all you can take as much % as you can in class 12. Belive me class 12 is much easier class than you think.

All you have to do is just start to cover each and every topic wisely from starting right from your 1st day in the class.

Class 12th, the most wonderful class ever😊

So here are some points that you struck in your mind in class 12 if you want to earn 99% or above.

  1. All you need to cut out your sleeping habit.

This sounds ridiculous ( a phrase used by me in english board exam😝😝) but it is hard truth of a student. In class 12 you have many sub. Approx 5 or 6 and you have to manage them all becoz your % depends upon all these subjects.

So, just take required sleep only for 6 or 7 hours in a day. Beleive me for a human body 6 or 7 hours of sleep in day is more than enough.

2. Don't waste your precious time.

🕗Time is money🕕 Old phrase but very necessary for class 12 students.

Do not waste your time in you friend circle, stooping at somewhere, in all day to day matters 😜(a popular word now a days)

Last but not the least do not ever ever ever waste your time especially in class 12 in all these youths relationships 😢

Beleive it wastes a lot of time of yours to get a good %.

3. Take less diet😳

Ya, it is true just listen, taking a diet which fills your entire stomach, it losses your brain capacity to store as much things of you subjects.

Here is a biological reason, when you take food there are some enzymes which will work on your stomach to digest the food and for that it requires oxygen and GREATER THE SUPPPLY OF OXYGEN IN YOUR STOMACH LESSER THE SUPPLY OF OXYGEN IN YOUR BRAIN. I repeat lesser the supply of oxygen in your brain.

So all of you just have to do take a diet full of nutrients and do not entirely fill your stomach.

4.Take almonds. 🙈

Specially for maths take as much almonds as you can approx 10 or 20 in a day to secure 100 in mathematics and in various subjects like accountacy .

To be true I also secure 99 in maths in this board😊


All you have to do just revise everything thoroughly because our mind forget a face which we seen once.

Mugging up all the facts revise everything that you have learnt.....

This is a MANTRA for class 12 to secure best percentage.

So thankyou to read this article of mine And best of luck to all the students in class 12 for their boards examination.

For any further query yoh can email me at anytime....☺

