The surface web is only 10% of the whole of the internet, which is just 19 TB. After that point, we reach the deep network, which includes the medical records, school, and academic records and government resources; their total size being 7500 TB, this part is extraordinarily filtered and organized. Silk Road 2.0 was taken down by the Europol in a single day, followed by a six-month operation that involved 17 nations and their police forces. 

“I was a topper of my school and did well in 10th board exams and decided to join one among the top schools for my 11th and 12th grades. Some of my friends from the same school also decided to join the school and according to our marks and priorities, we were admitted into many classes. With great curiosity I entered 11-A, it was amazing. Class was heaven (literally) our Kanish mam was so sweet and I am not an introvert. I made the entire class my amigos. We had a class WhatsApp group and I was it's admin(still I am  ). We had fun all the time, cracking jokes, engaged in serious discussions and quarreled, with and without reasons many times. 11-A was close to my heart.

