India also has the most number of youths in the world meaning a lot of students enrolled in universities and seeking for job.These might seem quite promising on the world level but it’s definitely more competitive than it seems to be. The real issue is “MANY OF THE GRADUATES AREN’T EQUIPPED WITH WHAT IT TAKES”. Yes, so if you are just graduating from school or if you have chosen what seems to be wrong choice then you may scroll down.
One of the most familiar statements is “Being literate and being edu..”,yeah you guessed it. To separate yourself from the literate group to identify yourself amongst the educated group there are a few simple questions you have to ask yourself.
1) What is that you don’t want, is the primary question you need ask yourself. This might sound cynical to being with but asking yourself this question clears most of your doubt and you’ll be able to narrow down your options. In case you didn’t know what a particular stream of study deals with look up the internet. Yes there are specialisations under stream but all of these are subsets, so the basics won’t change much.And getting to see if the basics will suit your or not, you’ll be able to avoid the whole lot of wrong streams.
2)After narrowing your choices see what the current status of the stream is and where it is possibly heading towards. Gone are the days when only three options were given. Globally, today everything is progressing as one. So this has opened a whole lot of new streams. Just because one stream gets more employment in part of the globe doesn’t make that one the best and vice-versa.
So there are opportunities around the globe, just check for the feasibility.
3)After the stream narrow down to do the specifics. What you see yourself doing or what made you choose this stream of choice, do a thorough research here. This is of high significance because everything doesn’t seem the way as it is from the outside. Many people go wrong here. So be cautious and get in touch with trusted people who practice the profession and make a call. If you fail in this you’ll end up with the majority of people. If that’s the case, no worries the next point is for you.
4)After choosing the wrong UG course you might sensed that you don’t quite belong here. When that kicks in again, confirm if that’s really the case. If so then try switching to a stream that has the basics of whatever of you’ve learned, so that whatever you’ve studied so far doesn’t go down the drain. If not, then learn the profession you are seeking for, do certificated courses because learning without documented proofs won’t yield a placement in stream of your choice. That too after doing a course that is drastically different the probability is thin.