Things that DON'T make you fat

  1. ·Carbs

  2. ·Fat

  3. ·Sugar

  4. ·Eating late at night

  5. ·Skipping breakfast

  6. ·High fructose corn syrup

Things that DO make you fat

  1. ·Consistently eating too many calories.

Quick, listen up and lean in close because the self-proclaimed masters will be here at any moment.They will say things like calories don't matter as long as you eat "clean," eating late at night makes you fat, skipping breakfast makes you fat, skipping breakfast ruins your metabolism. Now you and I could sit up here in the astronomy tower and respectfully answer their enhancements all day and night, but odds are it would not do any good. No matter what we say or how much evidence we provide, they would be stuck in their tiny, dogmatic, little box of opinions, too stubborn to even consider the possibility of there being another way to succeed.

So, let's do this. Let's offer them a challenge. Shall we?
Try it. Just try it. Try eating carbs and fats and sugars in a controlled size. Try eating late at night. Try skipping breakfast or two.

Think you cannot lose fat whole eating 'junk' even in a calorie deficit? Think you cannot lose fat while eating late at night even in a calorie deficit? Think you can't lose fat while skipping breakfast even in a calorie deficit?

Try it.

Run an experiment on yourself. If you are really for science and not dogmatic and really want to know the truth. Give it an honest shot for ninety days straight. If it doesn't work, great, keep doing what you are doing

But if it does work, guess what…

Now you have more tools in your toolbox, you can help more people, and you can let people know there is not just one 'right' way to do things.

And is not that the best feeling in the world? IS not that what this is all about anyway? Helping people?

I am not saying skipping breakfast is a good thing, and in no ways, I am encouraging it. No, that is not me. I am not saying to eat really late at night. That is not good and should be avoided. But in some cases, if one has actually skipped breakfast or has taken dinner late at night, that won't magically make a person fat. The end point is, consistently eating too many calories makes a person fat.

So, give it a shot. Try it out. Let people know how you do?

And either way, agree or disagree, it is all good in the end.

