🍰 Two tips to help with cravings or hunger.

🍰 Cravings are normal. Hunger is normal.

🍰 It's part of the weight loss journey. A diet without carvings or hunger while trying to lose weight doesn't exist. At least I've never come across it through the many foods I've been through this lifetime.

🍰 While they're normal parts of a journey, it doesn't mean you can't minimize them. You absolutely can. Reducing them helps consistency.It helps with increasing sustainability. And the longer you can sustain and be consistent with your diet, the more results you'll reap over time.

🍰 here are two things I've found to be super helpful during times of cravings or hunger.

🍰 1) Whole foods - The unprocessed food which is naturally available are called as whole foods.Eat more whole foods, less processed foods. Whole foods tend to keep you full longer and also tend to be lower in calories. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains are some of the examples of whole foods.

🍰 It's easy to chomp down on a bag of potato chips, or a fast food burger & fries that end up being 700kcal or more and not feel that full. The 700kcal worth of whole foods on the other hand? That's a lot of food! That's a good half kilo of sweet potatoes and 100-200g of the chicken breast still with room to spare.

🍰 2) Include your favorite foods into your daily diet. It's possible to include any type of food into your daily diet and still be within your calorie goals for the day. It all comes down to the portions. You don't have to finish the portion that it comes in.

🍰 you could have half a snicker bar instead of one, save the other half for another day. 1 full snicker bar is 230kcal; half makes it 115kcal, which is super manageable.

🍰 Including foods you love on a daily basis gives you something to look forward to. It takes away misery and helps you stay consistent with your diet.

🍰 Personally, I've found that more restriction is never the answer to a sustainable diet. The more things you have to restrict, the more craving/hunger it creates, and the more trouble you will have keeping consistent with your diet.


🍰 it's always Consistency over intensity.

🍰 how fast you reach your goal isn't as important as how you reach your goals.

