Taking Small Steps For A Weight Loss Journey

Monali Pattanaik
Aug 08, 2019   •  5 views

For people on a bit healthier or obese side are always taunted for their weight. And this comes from family, friends, relatives and strangers or random people they meet.

Everyone becomes a weight loss adviser or therapist to help you lose weight by controlling your mind. They suggest you extreme diet plans or tell to crash diet or simply don’t eat. More they suggest you is to do extreme exercises at one go, at the beginning, itself.

But we all know how simple it is to suggest and how tough it is to follow.

Most of the days we envy people who eat a lot and not simple but fancy food but their body does not show even an ounce on it. They are God gifted. But metabolism also plays a role in it. Eating high calorie food and not showing up isn’t possible for all. We need to understand our body and its capabilities and work accordingly.

But that doesn’t mean that you simply crash diet from day 1, but rather make it a gradual process and find ways which work for you without disturbing your health or well being. If crash diet from day 1 your body will not understand what happened and why it’s not getting its fuel “ the food”. It is the result will start storing the little you eat and this way no effective weight loss will be visible.

So let’s know how to lose weight, we will not complicate it and understand this process in a very layman and easy day to a day implementation method.

1. First thing is to check your current weight and mark an achievable goal for a year

Which you want to achieve.

2. Suppose you weigh 90 kilos so the goal is to be 70 kilos by the end of 12 months. So total weight loss to be achieved is 20 kilos. Just allocate 2 kilos weight loss per month.

3. Breaking down the whole thing into small goals will make it easy for you to understand and achieve.

4. Now look a bit into your food habits and get rid of oily food, junk and fast food from the menu.

5. Count your total calorie consumption and get it to somewhere 1000- 1200 calories in initial weeks.

6. Include foods which contribute to filling the stomach without adding extra calories.

7. Prepare the food chart before the start of the week has a variety of items to consume throughout the week. This way you know what to ear and you will not go for any high calorie or junk food.

8. Include exercise in your schedule for at least an hour choose dimple ones like brisk walking or jogging and simple stretching to increase body flexibility.

9. Eat at the right time and sleep for six-seven hours peacefully.

10. Stick to your plan and avoid eating outside in school, colleges or office by carrying your own home-cooked meal.

At last, drink a lot of water to stay hydrated and energetic.

You need to check your weight every month, you will definitely see the changes. Losing 2 kgs a month is an acceptable goal with a bit of a disciplined lifestyle and without fancy food and high gym fees.

" Breaking down of the end goals in small milestones helps to keep us motivated and the journey exciting."

