“Stress is a silent killer” a common phrase which is enough to say that stress can negatively affect our health. Our lives are filled with responsibilities, assignments, deadlines and we are constantly worried. An unknown fact is that when we experience stress for a short duration it does not have a bad impact rather it is said to be healthy. Our body goes into a fight or flight mode when we experience stress during which the body produces hormones that increase our heart rate and ready our muscles to respond. This change in our body is necessary for survival and when this phase lasts for longer durations it is harmful for health.

A health by business today released in 2018 revealed that 9 out of 20 Indians were stressed. Population in India is more stress than any other developed or emerging nation. Nearly 75 percent of the population said that they were not comfortable in talking about their stress with a medical professional. Another report by economic times said “About 89% of the population in India say they are suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86%. Nearly 75% of respondents here do not feel comfortable talking to a medical professional about their stress and cite cost as one of the barriers. Work and finances are the key reasons people attribute their stress to. However, workplace wellness overall scored high, with about half the respondents saying they have received support and are participating in a workplace wellness programme. The workplace plays an important role in the health and well-being of an employee. “

(Source: economic times)

This is evidence that we spend a lot of our time worrying about our future and do very less to deal with all this stress that we’re bringing upon ourselves. Life is much more than just worrying about all this. I agree we should be secure with where are going in life but it should not stop us from being happy. We often look at successful people and begin to think why are we not in their place not seeing how much they’ve struggled. I doubt even 30% of working would say they are not stressed. They go to work after being stuck in traffic for hours, if not traffic then the metro would be over crowded and they wouldn’t get a seat. Such a beginning to the day is bound to be frustrating. Take a step back, make sure that you are not a victim of stress. Many doctors have related health problems to stress. Do not be hesitant in seeking professional help if needed. You matter.

