Millions have lived without love, not one without water. It is the priceless gift that connects life with existence on the Earth. Itself being tasteless, odourless and colourless, it adds taste, colour and delicious smell in every living creatures. It’s the reflection of nature.

The only tool which is a disaster when it's absent and even more when it's plenty. Some face water scarcity and drought whereas others tsunami. Gradually, it's being hard to manage the quality of water for the people who lack it. In some areas, the lack of water is a daily problem and have to suffer a lot. It takes a lot of efforts, cost and time to manage the access of water. It's a big issue for many countries worldwide. Regions having sufficient water do not understand the importance of it and waste it on a daily basis. Preserving water and protecting it from being dirty is very obligatory to meet current and future demand. Increasing the rate of people’s carelessness and population, it's sure that our future generation will suffer a shortage of clean water. Very less percentage of earth’s water is suitable for drinking and many people survive on very less water per day.

As water demands will increase in future, it should be saved to ensure its availability for future generations. If we do not take positive action, the l condition will be more embarrassing when the rate of lack of fresh water from our ecosystem exceeds its natural replacement rate. By minimizing the need for water to human, freshwater habitats, local wildlife and migrating birds can be saved. Water saving techniques should be promoted among people living in the societies, communities, villages including business sections as they are the main water users in a rough manner. Farmers, children, and women should be taught how to use and save water in an efficient manner. They must understand the value of water in their life.

It’s time to join hands together and take effective action regarding save water as much as possible. We should bring many positive changes to our habits and activities to save even a drop of water. Since water is the first and foremost medicine, we all have the responsibility to save it. Let’s work together for our better tomorrow.



Profile of Sarvesh Dutta
Sarvesh Dutta  •  5y  •  Reply
Ritu, adding some images to the blog would have made it even better, Good wrytup though :)
Profile of Mohan Prasath
Mohan Prasath  •  5y  •  Reply
Profile of Sreekuttan R
Sreekuttan R  •  5y  •  Reply
No one can't live without love. At least you hav to love yourself 😊
Profile of Devaprasad P.B
Devaprasad P.B  •  5y  •  Reply
Very good yar