It’s happened so many times that you’re sitting alone in your room but in the next moment, you start feeling frustrated and agitated. You feel like screaming, crying, don’t like anyone’s presence around you and feel like living in dark and alone. In mood swings, one is unaware of the actual reasons why they are feeling upset?

Nothing feels good at that time; you almost feel like you’re letting yourself down and drowning yourself in the flood of emotions. You don’t have any idea in what direction your life is going. All this is just because of Mood Swings. Mood swings bring out the worst of us. Mood swings basically happen because of over thinking, stress and when you feel hurt and offended because of someone’s statement.

If you’re frequently finding yourself dealing with mood swings that are difficult to handle, now it’s time to take action. Here I am going to mention some ways:

• Create optimism

Mood swings usually happen because of negative thinking. Negative thinking is not accurate and also affects your mood and makes you feel very upset and angry typically for no ‘real’ reason. Instead of assuming the worst that can happen, think about all the other possible scenarios. In this way, you get to know that the worst is not going to happen and you can still deal with every situation. Create an optimistic environment around yourself and distance yourself from negative vibes and thoughts.

• Stop over thinking

Over thinking is another way that leads to bad mood. You keep your mind busy in assuming and imagining every possible worst situation which are not going to happen. Instead of over thinking, take rest and relax your mind for some time. Give your mind some space and peace so that it can work properly. Don’t think too much, it will only stress you out.

• Talk to your friends

During your mood swings, don’t stay alone and silent. Talk to your friends about your mood, share your problems and pain with them freely so that they will give you some meaningful advice which will help you to calm yourself. So many times, a friend’s advice and support is something which is enough to calm you down and to cure our mood swings because they know the real you.

• Know when to walk away

Sometimes, we are going to face such situations in which we know that the person is going to hurt us or betray us and by staying with them we are forcing them to make a choice between us and others. In this time, we always end up hurting one of them and the regret of losing them will haunt us forever and this thing also causes mood swings as we continuously think about that particular situation. So, it’s better to step back before you hurt yourself and your self-respect because if the person have is choosing someone else over you, there is no point of staying with them as they will not remain loyal to you.

• Do the things you love

To handle your mood swings, you should do the things you love to do in your free time. Some people love listening to music, some like playing games, and some like writing and so many other things. Keep your mind busy in some kind of activities to avoid over thinking and keep you worst thoughts at a distance. But don’t indulge yourself in activities that’ll create negative energy around you.



Profile of Ritika Upmanyu
Ritika Upmanyu  •  5y  •  Reply
Thank you❤️
Profile of Rakshita Upadhyay
Rakshita Upadhyay  •  5y  •  Reply
you wrote well.keep it up.please check my profile too
Profile of Naina Gaur
Naina Gaur  •  5y  •  Reply
Profile of Jubair Alam
Jubair Alam  •  5y  •  Reply
Nice line keep ur mind busy in some activities