Tutoring Is Equal To Pressurizing

Rimi Dutta
May 16, 2019   •  8 views

Once in 6th standard I got 18 out of 50 in Mathematics exam and I was punished. No, not beaten or scolded but I was doomed to have a tutor after school. I understood from that day that self-worth of a student is determined by the academic success and grades. There's no valuefor one's qualities that he or she already possess.

The emphasis is so much that sometimes a student's daily routine is to wake up early morning for his first tuition class then going to school and then again attending his 'second school'. This barely enables him to learn a particular subject or topic properly. His brain becomes somewhat a machine. He then has to take the path of memorizing the ready made notes provided by the private tutor because of the continuous pressure of examination. The school goers and college goers do not bother to question or critically think of their respective subject topics.

But where is the time for recreational activities? Is a student's life so miserable that he does not even get the chance to play on the field during evening? The answer is No. There's no leisure time for these generation school students to think of their hobbies and take lessons on them instead of going for tuition classes. They are busy revising the same chapter, the same formula again and again. Over ambitious parents seems to be anxious enough to get rid of all distractions and leave them in the hands of the tutors, sometimes two or more tutors for just one discipline.

Nevertheless these household private tutoring or those in coaching centres do help students; there is a huge impact on their mental health. The extra work imposed by the tutor may add pressure and anxiety to an already high-stress at school. They get this fear of failure in examination if they do not have a tutor from whom they can know about easy shortcuts and tricks that are otherwise not 'revealed' by school teachers in front of the entire class.

Other than passive listening and cramming what is efficiently practised in tutoring centres is not a science of education but of scoring, churning out exam smart students. This climate of cruel competition must end somewhere. One must introspect his own talent. Talent that is not measured by marks. Self-satisfaction can conquer the world than racing to score more and more. And school is a place to learn all this attributes. Tutoring is of no need. Parents too must look for what their children are craving to learn.



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Khushi B  •  5y  •  Reply
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