Lose Weight Like A Pro: Say Goodbye To Excess Calories

Rakshita Upadhyay
Jun 08, 2019   •  61 views

Look at yourself in the mirror. What do you see? If you see an overweight and fat body, don’t be surprised. You are in the category of the 30% people worldwide who are either overweight or obese. Everyone desires to have a perfectly sculpted body but not everyone is born with it. It is okay not to be in a good shape if you have the will and determination to be of any shape you want your body to be. After all, we all have to do some efforts to be the best version of ourselves.

Most of the people today are facing issues related with excess body weight. Not only it affects them physically but also leaves a bad mental impact and they tend to think that the society won’t accept them. If you are among those 30% people who are facing these kinds of issues, you have two options: first, ignore everyone and be the way you want to be and second, work hard and attain the perfect shape you wanted to see yourself in. Nutritionally speaking, the former option is not healthy for your body if you are obese and it would lead to various other diseases. The latter option of doing workout and burning fats is rather cumbersome but safe as it not only keeps you in a good shape but also removes the risk of diseases like hypertension, diabetes, heart attack etc.

Do you want to become that person you have only dreamt of? Here are few tips and food habits that are proven in helping you to become your best version.

·Fix your number of meals per day. Do not take more than four meals daily and don’t try to starve yourself. Nibbling between meals is not a good idea. Avoid eating while doing work or watching television.

·A key to reduce weight is not starving; it is good amount of exercising. Have some determination and be in the company of people who are determined to balance their body weights. It is not necessary to go to the gym if you are determined enough to run, jog or do yoga alone at least 30-40 min per day.

·Certified dietitians always recommend losing 0.5 to 1 kg weight per week. It is slow but yields good results. Don’t be greedy to try to lose 2-3 kg per week as your body would regain it faster. Check your weight weekly and appreciate the results. In case of query or an emergency, consult a good dietitian.

·You should be wise in choosing what to eat. Rely more on plant foods. Reduce alcohol consumption. Introduce complex carbs in your diet (bajra, ragi, foxtail millet etc.). Replace fried foods with steamed, blanched and baked foods. Eat more dietary fibers and don’t take sweet beverages like tea, coffee or coldrinks. Don’t ever take drugs to reduce weight like diuretics; they simply misbalance the metabolism of your body. last but not the least, stay miles away from packaged foods like chips, nuggets, fries etc

Gather some will power, squeeze your endurance and have some patience, the perfect body is on its way. Eat healthy, don’t take excess stress and pave the way for a healthy body image.



Profile of Abhishek Tyagi
Abhishek Tyagi  •  4y  •  Reply
Try to add images to make it interactive,rest content is good😁
Profile of Geetisri Patri
Geetisri Patri  •  4y  •  Reply
Good one.