Many different cast of people lived in the great country INDIA.They establish a good deal between them.The people will lived peace fully.

We observe festivals throughout the year.It is said that we have thirteen festivals in twelve months.These festivals bring change in life and make it colourfull.For example the Hindu celebrate the Durgapuja, their greatest religious festivals.The Muslims observe Maharam and christians celebrate their Christmas Day.Our social festivals include marriage ceremony, birthday ceremony,death anniversary etc.Can be classified as our cultural festivals . Festivals like the Independence Day, the Republic Day etc.belong to our National festivals. Our festive mood ramains all through the year.

Many 'titha khetra' have situated in our peace full country.For example the Muslim emprior establish Taj Mohal. The Budha emprior Samrat Ashok establish Budha Temple, Hospital etc.The Gangatri is a big 'titha khatara' in Bengal.All people go this place . Indian people estiblish a secret thrade between them.

