How Sibling Relationships Change

May 27, 2019   •  26 views

Sibling relationship is extremely important. Most siblings grow up in the same environment and share common experiences and memories. When there is an arrival of new baby in the family, most young children find it difficult to share parents affection and attention. The older child often becomes clingy and demanding, however, after period of time the oldest sibling begins to show affection and concern for their young sibling.

By the end of the first year, babies usually spend more time with their older sibling than their parents. The older sibling comforts the baby whenever parents are unavailable, thus, the younger child sees their older sibling as an attachment figure.

Toddler often imitate and play along with the the older brother or sister. Siblings who are closer in age are better able to relate to each other, tease and talk about their emotions. Skills that are acquired through sibling interaction, help an individual to perceive the emotions and mental states of others, be morally mature and better able to relate to their friends and peers.

Parents can also influence sibling relationship, for example, a study found that mothers who play with their children and resolve their conflicts by explaining the toddlers needs to the older sibling can enhance sibling cooperation. A good marriage is associated with the preschool children's ability to cope with jealousy and conflict.

In middle childhood, sibling rivalry tends to increase. This is because, during this age children participate in more activities and parents often compare the siblings achievements and traits. The child who receives lesser affection and approval from the parents, is likely to be resentful and display poor adjustment.

Studies found out that, same sex siblings who are closer in age are frequently compared by their parents, thus, leading to rivalry and hostility. Parents who are stressed because of financial issues or marital disharmony, tend to be less careful about being fair to their children.

Since fathers spend less time with their children, the children tend to react intensely when father's favour one child.

During middle childhood, if siblings have a positive relationship, then the younger child is likely to be influenced by the older sibling's academic and social competence, thus increasing their accomplishments. On the other hand, sibling conflict may result in anxiety, peer conflicts, depression and substance use.

During adolescence, the younger sibling tends to become self- sufficient over time and the older sibling's influence declines. As teenagers, they tend to invest less time and energy in their siblings and be more involved in friendships and romantic relationships. Over time the intensity of sibling relationship declines. However, older siblings still offer advice to their younger siblings about challenges in school, romantic relationships and future decisions. Although there is a decline in companionship, sibling bonds still remain strong for many teenagers.



Profile of Uthpreksha
Uthpreksha  •  4y  •  Reply
I have a sister and I can totally relate to this wrytup! Please do check out my work too😇