What is love for you?

Love is anything which connects two people more strongly and more closely ,your love can be for anyone it can be your mother and it can be for your friends it can be for your wife or it can be for your girlfriend , definition of love is different in every case

1-love for your mother

it is said that mother is the second form of God and God cannot travel to every place so he created mother ,a mother is not only who gives you birth but she is one who cares about you the most who can do anything but she cannot think harm about her child

We call earth as mother ,we also do call godess as mother because she has given love and care same like our own mother

I do remember moments when I needed money and my mother used to secretly give money for me without agreement of my father

definition of love for mother is very simple she has got position of God everything which is hers

Whenever I used to go for night long parties she is only one who supported me as a wall
. 2-love for your friends
Friends are just like a wheelchair for.a handicap they are the support which makes more stronger and stronger good friends is like a support which helps you in every twist and turn of your life

Having a good friend is more than like having a brother friend is the only person who will be there for you in each and every tough situation of the life

Definition of love for a friend is same as the love that you have for your brother

Friends are said to be brother from another mother and they are the backbone and support of your life which will help you in every aspect of the life so never leave the hand of your friend

3-love for your wife

It is said that wife is a partner of the journey of the life of a husband and wife always helps in your each and every twist and turn of your life

She not only gives birth to your child but she also makes every effort to make your dream come true in your life ,her support can create a pillars that makes you stable and happier

Your wife is support so never underestimate her, definition of love for your love is more then a breath that take you take in to make yourself alive but it is a life long partnership and bonding of s couple

3-love for your girlfriend

Your girlfriend is a girl who has a clear understanding and generic feeling of support sometime it happens people don't like hearing names of gf because they think it is bad and it is not good but actually it is not the case two people love each other they've relationship and they have thier bonding

Having crush and bieng relationship is the personal privacy of a person ,it is never wrong just never make and try to make conspiracy for your love

Definition of love for a gf is like partner who has more understanding and bonding then another guy

4-love for God

It is said that everything is god and God is everything each and every particle has evolved from God and will merge in God ,he is a power ,a power of love a power of truthness and a power of support

God will be in the starting of your life and God will be thier after your death nothing is more than god and nothing is less than god

Definition of Love for God is incredible and we don't need have a discourse for it ,it is dynamic and huge

It is said that they've created us and thier grace is the only reason of accomplishment of any work in the universe

5- love for your child

Son and daughter which you have are your child, love for the child is always pure it will be agreed by most of us

Love for your child is a unbreakable bond which keeps you closer and closer and closer it's oscean of love which never ends

A child for a parents is the reason of love and care which is endless and which is unmeasurable and it is countless

Love is a power which connects two people more strongly
