The worst and best form of war is the one you fight with yourself. It might drain you completely but its victory will enable you to fly like a free bird on a summer afternoon.

You deserve peace. Irrespective of your deeds and thoughts, each and every one of us seeks inner peace. Some of us look for it in our loved ones, some enemies, while some within themselves. Inner peace is nothing but a state of bliss and happiness which is the source of strength and endurance for all the backlashes of life. It is the way of life, the perspective of life and the essence of life.

We are at peace when our loved ones, our partner or our family and friends are present with us to support us, emotionally and mentally. We sometimes experience pleasure in witnessing our rivals' failures and shortcomings. But what all of us must imbibe within us is that inner peace can only be found within. No external source of love or affection can fill the void in our souls. It is quintessential to realize the power of thought. Our thoughts frame our words which in turn dictate our actions. Actions are the building blocks of habit. Habits make the foundation for more thoughts. Thus, we have come full circle.

Karma is a concept which is very spoken of nowadays. But very few people actually believe in it and religiously follow it. What we do comes back to us. What we give, we receive. What we say, we hear. Above all, what we think, we are destined for that. Positive thoughts and positive energy arise out of inner peace. Inner peace has got nothing to do with meditation or yoga, although these techniques might prove to be relaxing. But it is temporary. On the contrary, inner peace is something we experience in our routine on a regular basis. Conflicts can be dealt with, but they must not disturb the balance of emotions. That is achieving inner peace in the truest form.

Placidly put, introspective behaviour and rectifying actions contribute to the attainment of peace with the inner self, the soul. For every situation, we can either respond or react. A response is a well-judged and understood reflex whereas a reaction is impulsive and often detrimental.

Channelize the positive energy and demagnify the negativity. Energy can be converted to one form or another. Practically it can be seen in fans, electrical energy to mechanical and wind energy, heaters, electrical energy to thermal and dams, kinetic energy to electricity. On similar lines, we also have the mechanism to convert negative energy to positive energy just by changing the flow of our thoughts and perspective of everyday occurring events.



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