As a Indian i feel so proud that we has such a strong and powerful Constitution. That plays a important role in making this nation stable and help the government to make it work properly. According to the most the social thinkers India has the largest and the strongest Constitution. Constitution of this nation is also called the mix of the Constitution of all the nations as it is made by taking some of the strong points from the Constitution all over the world . This Constitution has given their citizen many rights and many power like as India is a democratic country every citizen has the right to vote if he or she is above 18, it has given citizens the right to choose their religion and one of the strongest right that Constitution has given to the citizens is the right of equality. As per this right every citizen of this country is equal for the law there will be no discrimination.
I agree to this right that their is no discrimination on the basis of the caste, class, color etc but i have a question that in this nation their is a equality in the gender. there is no discrimination on the basis of gender. I think no there is a hell lot of discrimination on the basis of the gender in some regions of the nation girls are more preferable over boys and in some regions boys are given more opportunities. But let me ask you one thing according to this Constitution all citizen are equal than why this discrimination is there.
In this nation we have given girls more opportunities to rise up to stand equal to the boys as in old times there is a hell lot of discrimination between boys and girls. girls are taken as a burden over the parents shoulders. They to teach them and than just let them go to another house so they thinking this a waste of they do like if a girl is born in the family. So to stop this discrimination and to make girls and boys equal. A lot of rights or Opportunities are given to girls. But know i think that girls are enough capable to stand alone to fight in this competitive world and some the feminist over there also says that girls are more stronger than boys. Than why does girls are given so much of opportunities till now. If you that im just stating some of the anti feminist statement than let me tell you some of the example of the opportunities that are given to the girls at this time. Government has designed my policies for girls to help them in there education but why. boys and girls are equal. then why government is giving that much help to the girls if government has to design such policies than it should be equal is should be for both boys and girls. Recently the CM of the capital delhi Mr. Arvind Kejriwal has made metro and bus rides free for women like seriously. why is doing so. a girl has to pay same as a boy has to pay and there is a separate coach for girls in metro and seat reserved for girls too than why. Because of this action of Mr. kejriwal now a old poor man has to pay for the metro fair and a rich young girls can ride free this not only example of this discrimination . But in education sector their is discrimination too. Some amount of seats are reserved of girls and some relief in the fees is also given but why. because of this policy a rich girl can take admission in the government college easily but a guy has to work hard to get admission and in many States a separate college for only girls are there which gives more courses than a average college
If we really want equality in this country than we have to stop is discrimination between boys and girls. We have to give equal Opportunities to both boys and girls and not in the favor that boys shot given more opportunities but there should be equal opportunities for both of them