Goodness is considered to be a behavioral quality of a person which shows him to be morally good.

It is the quality possessed by people where they are always ready to associate themselves with other's difficulties selflesslesly even without thinking twice.

To engage themselves in other's problem without considering the consequences just to help the needy. No matt noer how hard the situation may seem people tend to involve because of this quality which is admirable.

And who wouldn't love to be around people with good morale who would be by your side no matter what because they genuinely want to help you and not because of their personal benefit. The genuine goodness which makes people always to be in other's need is really an admirable trait of human being.

But, nowdays the scenario have changed a lot. People tend to think about their own benefit from the situation before helping others and if there's none they'd rather just slip their way out of the situation.

People get exploited for being good to others, seems unimaginable but is happening every now and then. Some take advantage of the goodness and try to gain as much possible.

People are generally helpful and always look after the need for others due to their human conscience but if someone is taken advantage of that fact that they're helping others then that's definitely not very pleasant experience for the person helping without any selfish reason. The world has changed drastically and people are taking advantage in huge number of ways every now and then. And that's the reason people who were earlier helping in nature are confining themselves up-to their own needs because no one would want to get hurt for helping someone. That is something we have to realize, no matter the world may change but you can change it too through your ideology.

Even after situation may seem harsh, but I believe there is goodness among all of us each and everyone. Some have just locked it up deep inside because they are afraid to be taken advantage of and are still unsure of its power in the world.

But when we are actually capable of lending a helping hand to others, we should always.

The goodness you offer to others and enable, fills your life with meaning. Afterall goodness and being kind to others is what makes us human being and keeps us going in true sense.

Just make it your intention every day, every place, to spread that goodness far and wide. Spread smiles wherever you go.



Profile of Nonisha Das
Nonisha Das  •  5y  •  Reply
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Diganta Sehanabis  •  5y  •  Reply