Wake Up, Before Monuments Disappear Forever.

Nitya Malani
Jul 16, 2019   •  847 views

“In the end our society will be defined not only by what we create, but by what we refuse to destroy”


No, it’s just not your lungs or skin that Pollution is hurting.The historical monuments which were your favourite picnic spots in childhood doesn’t look the same anymore. Some of them has lost its shine, some have been blackened and some of them deteriorated by acid rain and bigger thanks to us for always throwing garbage here and there.

Here’s a quick look at some of our historical monuments which have gone under a drastic change, all thanks to smog and waste materials we encourage in our daily lives:-

1)Taj Mahal:- A monument , where we all have a picture in that signature pose and the one where we all had the best time of our childhood.

But due to deposition of dust and carbon particles from burning excessive fossil fuels, garbage and biomass has changed this majestic white marble exterior to a brownish- yellow shade.

2)Lotus Temple:- The Baha'i House of worship in Kalkaji, where the hardest task of our lives was to keep quiet for 2 minutes, but the monument has another story to tell about our actions as it is turning grey. And according to National Green Tribunal says that it is heavy traffic in Nehru Place which is the major reason of discoloration.

3)Golden Temple:- One of the most divine place is losing it’s gleam and a joint study carried out by the Indian Institute of Technology - Delhi and the Punjab Pollution Control Board showed that vehicular and industrial emissions were stealing the bright golden shine away from the Golden Temple in Amritsar. In fact, even the open ovens (tandoor) in the nearby restaurants contributing to this discoloration.

4)Char Minar:- This iconic four-towered heritage in Hyderabadbuilding has been deteriorating at the hands of pollution for quite some time now. And the fact that it stands right in the middle of traffic is also adds to the fact as well . In fact, it is said to have been proved that the high vehicular pollution is corroding the granite and lime mortar structure of Charminar.

5)India Gate:- India Gate is our go to picnic spot and if nothing goes right, it’s here to never disappoint. But India Gate seems to be standing as a proof of the city's alarming state of air pollution.

It’s time to pull of our socks as if we won’t react now and do something about Air Pollution then historical monuments will become a history itself.

