Every human being experiences stress at some or the other point of time in life. Thanks to our tiring jobs, faulty eating habits, pollution and most of all our lethargy, which add to the cause of stress. Everyone reacts to stress differently. Some may cope up with it and some may not. Studies have proved that an increase in stress hormones might speed up cognitive decline in people as you age.

the above image is the exact scenario how we feel in stress

There are several ways to reduce stress some of them are:

whenever you feel stressed write all in a notebook. it will relax your mind.

American psychotherapistKevin Chapmanuses the method ofprogressive muscle relaxation that was developed in1920.The idea issimple: after any strong tension, strong relaxation comes. Itmeans that you have totighten your muscles for 10seconds and then focus onthe feeling ofrelaxation for 20seconds.


games play a key role in relaxing mind.whenever you feel stressed go out and play with your friends.it brings peace of mind and gives better circulation in body.

these above mentioned steps are used majorly by all people in the world to reduce the stress.by practising these methods we can have stress free life.

