Top-10 Tips To Study Effectively

Nishanth C. R.
May 21, 2019   •  5 views

Examinations! We are all intimidated by them and we all surely want tips that will make our lives easier. Since the next academic year is right around the corner, use these 10 tips to study effectively and score well in your exams!

  • Be Consistent

An examination is not a 100 meter race. It is a marathon. For you to succeed in a marathon, you need to be consisten from the beginning. Similarly, preparation towards an examination needs to be consistent. We all know how difficult it is to cram up the entire syllabus in one single day! To avoid this hassle, be consistent in your studies.

  • Start Early

Just like being consistent, you must start early to be able to conquer the syllabus. So, begin from day one. Do not postpone studying by giving excuses such as, 'it's too early to start, the college juct started' or 'the syllabus sems to be simple, I'll study it some other time'. Start early and stick to it.

  • Underline Keywords

When we are stuying, it is important to underline the keywords. Keywords can be the name of the topic or action words or concluding words or technical words that help you to understand the meaning of the entire paragraph without having to read the full paragraph. Use a highlighter or a coloured pen to mark keywords.

  • Make Smart Notes

To help revise better, make smart notes. Smart notes must be short and must explain the full concept in a crisp manner. Use arrows, short forms (i.e., etc, &), mnemonics to remember better.

  • Relate Your Studies to Real Life

The best way to understand a concept is to relate it to real-life examples. For example, if you are studying political science, try to relate the electoral system to the Indian elections. If you are studying economics, relate the concepts of demand and supply to the sales of smartphones. Likewise, relating concepts to real life will help us understand better.

  • Choose the Right Study Time

Some of us are early birds while others are night owls. We will be able to absorb information the best when we choose the right time and stick to it. If you study well in the mornings, rise early and study. If you are ready to burn the midnight oil, study at night. But, be consistent in studying at these times as it will synchronise our body clocks.

  • Revise, Revise and Revise

Human memory is designed to retain that information which is repeated. Therefore, revising the same concepts overtime will reduce the need to study all concepts at once. You are also less likely to be exhausted by studying at a stretch.

  • Don't Mug, Try to Understand

Mugging-up answers is a sure way to forget them. Undertsand the answers by fnding the meanings of words. You may mug-up definitions and principles, but understand the concept before trying to remeber by-heart. Understanding the meaning, will ease the remebering part.

  • Set Goals

Studying requires certain realistic goals to be set. Set a timetable and stick to it. Achieveing your short-term goals will keep you motivated to stick to your goal plan. In the end, you will achieve your goals without much hassle. Being haphazard and unorganised will only drain your energy.

  • Be Confident

An exam is a test of memory, knowledge and critical skills. It is not the end purpose of life. Be confident in your abilities. Trust your instincts and your memory. Do not panic, because, panicking will not solve your problems; it will only add to it. Stay calm and embrace your studies confidently! Remember your final goal to motivate yourself.

Happy and productive studying!

