This Is Why Most People Never Grow!

Nirmit Shah
Jun 15, 2019   •  1288 views

Hey there!If you've come this far then let me begin this reality by a quote,

Most of the people talk too much, the reason why they never grow.

Let me clear you that, if a person is expressing his/her views in auditorium for an actual conference or meeting such asSadhguru, Tedx Speakers, Marketing or Buisness talks, etc.Those are really valuable talks which does not consider as "talkative" ones, those seminars are meant to be organised properly.

Again, I'm not including any religious or political talks, but a talk or a seminar which provides a valuable content towards the society.Now, those talks are not such "talks" where you cannot grow with.You'll grow infinitely there.Then what I'm directing this article to?

Read on to know more...

Why most of the people talk too much?

You often have had conversation with a weirdo.Yes, the person who talks unnecessarily, most of the times.And whenever a presence of silence came into existence, they get so frustrated that they again start uttering “blah blah blah”.Typically in Indian families, whenever relatives comes to our home, they usually have a silence of 20- 30 seconds during casual conversations, which seems really odd.Isn’t it?

Most of us keep on searching the topic to start conversation with, as we were never been taught to stay silent.And to stay silent, we always navigate that into meditation and such stuffs.Nope, this is not the case here..

Forget these all things and let’s do an activity to conclude this

Just prepare yourself with stopwatch and set timer to 2 minutes.Stay silent for 2 minutes right after reading this.Time starts now…I believe you’ve performed that activity.If did this so, then mainly most of the people would be distracted or not comfortable or thinking stuffs like“What’s the point of this?” And such utterings …Let me come to the actual essence of it!

If you are talking, then you are sharing the experience but if you are listening then you are learning other’s experience.

See, I’m not restricting anything for talking or not, just make sure your each word makes sense.Is this all right?Because if you’ve “gossiping” attitude then you are not learning and mainly you are discussing problems or people.Learning comes from listening and speaking valuable words.A balance must be there…This is the actual problem why we never grow, consistently.

What should be done if you are from that category?

·Avoid discussing problems and people, instead discuss ideas.

·Reduce your utterings by 50% from tomorrow.

·Try spending time alone like at terrace, park or garden, or it can be a casual walk.

See, if you atleast start this habit out, then you’ll realize you are growing immensely after 1 to 2 months.It requires a little bit practice and moreover daily reminder for those 3 things.From today, set a reminder in your phone at your wake up time so that when you check your phone, it’ll remind you those 3 things.If you find this article valuable then you’ve grown a lot my friend.

I’m not targeting your flaw to disrespect you, instead I want to reach out people as much as I can so that I can share my experience and mistakes as a learning lesson towards the entire universe via wisdom.

Keep Spreading Wisdom!

Next Article –

Topics to avoid in every conversation for better lifestyle

Also check out my personal blog - What's Your Purpose?!

Thank You!

Much Love <3




Profile of Nirmit Shah
Nirmit Shah   •  5y  •  Reply
I'm so fascinated right now by your response and kind attention to my article and everything, glad to have you and thanking for your existence :) All the best!
Profile of Nirmit Shah
Nirmit Shah   •  5y  •  Reply
As there is no particular definition of right or wrong as it changes upto different situation, person, time and else... Your experience, your mistakes, other's experience others mistakes are the greatest teacher to direct you a better and appropriate direction to where you can travel with. In very deep dimension, you'll surely figure out every thing because every problem has a solution difference arises in your perception and conclusion over your purpose. Hope you've got an idea over it. Keep discussing such, let's spread this wisdom. Comment if you have any, and share it if you were valued. Thank you so much
Profile of Nirmit Shah
Nirmit Shah   •  5y  •  Reply
I really appreciate your question my friend. See I've written this article to initiate a process of thinking for ideas atleast because mostly around us are excusing and blaming, right? Let me share you a secret here that the moment you question your doing about if you are growing or not or else regarding your intellectual then you are in right direction.
Profile of Nirmit Shah
Nirmit Shah   •  5y  •  Reply
Go ahead, what's your question regarding this?
Profile of Nirmit Shah
Nirmit Shah   •  5y  •  Reply
I'm so pleased to know that people are getting valued through my article.
Profile of Aarti Nandrekar
Aarti Nandrekar  •  5y  •  Reply
Great article. Check out my articles too
Profile of Nirmit Shah
Nirmit Shah   •  5y  •  Reply
Because people loved the content I guess
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Anonymous  •  5y  •  Reply
How You Get So Much Views In So Much Less Time.
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Anonymous  •  5y  •  Reply
Great. Check My Articles Too.
Profile of Nirmit Shah
Nirmit Shah   •  5y  •  Reply
I'm pleased to know that
Profile of Pamela Africa
Pamela Africa  •  5y  •  Reply
Well said. I like how you think...👋🧠💭🙊👂
Profile of Nirmit Shah
Nirmit Shah   •  5y  •  Reply
I guess, people are having value through this article.
Profile of Sid
Sid  •  5y  •  Reply
how this is having so many views?
Profile of Nirmit Shah
Nirmit Shah   •  5y  •  Reply
I'm glad that you guys have received some value through this post.
Profile of Ankit Jaiswal
Ankit Jaiswal  •  5y  •  Reply
Good 👍
Profile of Gayathri S
Gayathri S  •  5y  •  Reply
How can you be so clear n' nice 👌 thanks for highlighting some valuable truths💓