Thin Bodies Causing Trouble Too

Neha Singh
Jun 08, 2019   •  10 views

Anorexia nervosa is a disorder in which a person completely stops eating. Girls are more prone to this disorder. They lose weight instantly and have the fear of looking over weight whereas in fact, they are highly underweight now, they restrict themselves and do not consume food. They start viewing food as the enemy they will cut down on intake, play with their food or straight away refuse to eat it. They engage in excessive exercise, diet pills and other alternatives to lose weight. It starts showing on their physical features as well, they have hair loss, brittle nails, sensitive to cold, becoming pale are common signs. They do become malnourished and it also affects their brain functioning which causes an inability to think rationally, inability to concentrate and sometimes even depression. If left untreated, it may turn into a life time issue so the best option is to find professional assistance so that the person can be removed out of danger. Many young individuals feel the need to meet the society’s beauty standards especially in a culture where beauty is given utmost importance and the definition of beauty is correlated with looking thin. Although, nowadays, even looking thin is a problem because those people are tagged as being “too thin” and not fitting the stereotype of beauty. Parents do not even realise why their daughter or son is so indulged in looking good because society demands such things and makes one look at themselves and questions them if they are beautiful or not. Many people promote body positivity posts to make those feel better about themselves but in the end it’s always loving oneself that will change one’s perspective. Since childhood parents and other family members are super attentive about how much their child is eating the same type of attention should be given till the child grows older. Only this way one can know about the changing food habits in their children and come to understand if there is an issue or not.

Beauty when she looked at others and disgust when she looked at herself. She stopped bringing her tiffin to school, she often started eating her dinner alone at home. Slowly she started avoiding meals saying she’s not in the mood or she’s full. Months passed by no one noticed her ever thinning body and the frequent visits to the loo. She still looks at others and sees beauty in them but disgust when she looks at herself.

